Australia has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer in the world. Regular skin checks are essential, as early detection significantly reduces the chances of the cancer spreading to a serious degree and becoming a major threat to your health. We recommend having a skin cancer check every 6-12 months.
If a skin cancer is suspected after a physical examination by the doctor a biopsy will be performed. A biopsy is a quick and simple procedure where part or all of the lesion is removed. Often a biopsy can be performed at the time of your skin cancer check. Results of the biopsy will usually be received by the doctor within 3-5 days.
In choosing the best treatment option, our Doctors will consider your age, general health, the type and size of the cancer and where the lesion is on your body. The most suitable treatment choice option will also depend on whether the skin cancer has spread elsewhere. You will be advised, and consent will be obtained prior to a procedure.
Skin Cancer Checks
Excision of Skin Cancer
Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinomas
Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Treatment of Melanomas